2017 - 2018 SF Band Boosters Board and Chairs

President: Valorie Cason -
Vice President / Chaperone Coordinator: Michelle Mosley -   
Treasurer: Elizabeth Moore -
Secretary: Amy Quiros -
VP of Color Guard /Parliamentarian : Angela Stone -
VP of Equipment / Gator Nationals: Gentry Trimble -  
CHARMS Coordinator: Tina Hopping -
Gator Shop Coordinator: Patricia Bullock    
Art Director: Karrie Munkittrick -
Southern Showcase Coordinators: Kelly Smith -   and Christina Coffield 
Gator Chair Backs: Mark Engstrom and Darren Coffield - [email protected]

Fundraising Chair: Victoria Farrar -

Santa Fe High School - 16213 NW US Hwy 441, Alachua, FL 32615 

Director Robert Marski  386.462.1125​  email:  [email protected]

Band Booster Mailing Address: P.O. Box 2105 Alachua FL 32616

[email protected]

If you are a current band member or parent and are not on our listserv,

please email   with your name and child's name (if applicable) so you can receive our emails.  

Remind App: Receive text message updates from the band:
                      Parents and Students:  https://remind.com/join/sfrrband1 or text @sfrrband1 to 81010  
---(update May 2017 )