Santa Fe High School Band and Chorus
16213 NW US Hwy 441 (MLK Blvd)
Alachua, FL 32615
Office Phone: (386)462-1125 ext. 254
Fax: (386)462-1711
Santa Fe High School Website

Jazz Band

Reference Recordings for Spring Concert:
Intrepid Fox by Freddie Hubbard

Everything in its Right Place by Radiohead, arr. by James Miley

Moanin' by Charles Mingus

Come see the Santa Fe Jazz Band at the Alachua Spring Festival on Sunday, April 21 at 4:00pm on Main Street in Downtown Alachua!

Congratulations to the Jazz Band on their Straight Superior performance at District MPA!  State MPA will be on Monday, March 25 at West Port High School (click for directions).  Performance time is 10:00am
Bus leaves at 8:00am and will return at approximately 6:00pm. 

Come see the Santa Fe Jazz Band at their District MPA Performance.  Friday, February 22, 8:00pm in the Buchholz High School Auditorium(
directions).  The Jazz Band should report to Buchholz by 6:30pm to unpack, watch another band, and warmup.

After school jazz band rehearals:
Thursday, February 7 3:30-5:30 with Mr. Gary Langford
Thursday, February 14 3:30-5:30 with Mr. Scott Wilson

Check out the 2012-13 Santa Fe Jazz Band as we opened up for the Christian Tamburr Quintet on November 5!

  Central Park North by Thad Jones 
MPA Reference Recordings:
Central Park North

Angel Eyes arr. Wolpe (click for audio)

I Get a Kick Out of You by Cole Porter, arr. Wolpe

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