Santa Fe High School Band and Chorus
16213 NW US Hwy 441 (MLK Blvd)
Alachua, FL 32615
Office Phone: (386)462-1125 ext. 254
Fax: (386)462-1711
Santa Fe High School Website


The Santa Fe High School Chorus was revived in 2009 by band director Nate Bisco.  It has continued to be offered as an all-grades, non-audition mixed chorus over the past four school years.  The group has consistently improved and has finally seen a year in which returning members outnumber the beginners. 
Highlights from the group's short history include:
    - 3-time invited participant of the Stop! Children's Cancer Holiday Traditions Concert at the Phillips Center
    - Rating of Excellent at Fiestaval Myrtle Beach in it's first year of existence
    - Community service performances for Alachua Library pre-schoolers and at Relay for Life
    - At only it's 2nd MPA Performance: Stage Ratings of Superior and 2 Excellents and Superior in Sight-Reading

Festival of Carols Part Recordings:

2014 Choral MPA Reference Recordings

A Red, Red Rose by Ruth Elaine Schram

Link to individual audio parts for Red, Red Rose

Keep Your Lamps Trimmed and Burnin'  traditional Spiritual arr. by Greg Gilpin

Congratulations to the Santa Fe Chorus on their Excellent Rating at the 2013 District 4 Choral MPA!!

2014 District 4 Choral MPA- Thursday-Sunday, February 27-March 1, 2014 at Mandarin High School, Jacksonville

Watch the Chorus at it's 2012 Winter Concert Finale Performance of Do You Hear What I Hear with the symphonic band and alumni.


Possible MPA Pieces:

Pie Jesu (from Requiem in C minor) by Luigi Cherubini

Pie Jesu Audio Part Files:


Gate, Gate (Buddhist Mantra) by Brian Tate

Gate, Gate Audio Part Files:
Soprano 1:
Soprano 2:

A Red, Red Rose
by James Mulholland

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